| 1. | Street food culture is a way of living in malaysia 对自小在马来西亚长大的我,街边小食是生活中很重要的一部分。 |
| 2. | At night time chinatown comes alive with its pungent aromas and delicious street food 傍晚时分在中国城的大路上荡漾著各种美食佳肴的香味。 |
| 3. | In australia , due to its tight rules in hygiene , street foods are basically not allowed 可想而知,我在澳洲那种没有街边小食的生活是多苦闷。 |
| 4. | An indian street food vendor prepares snacks at his road side stall in new delhi , feb . 2 , 2007 今年二月二日,印度新德里一名街头摊贩在他的摊位上准备小吃。 |
| 5. | When i moved to oklahoma , i switched my allegiance to the greek festival ? better street food 当我搬到俄克拉何马州,我的拥戴转到了希腊节- -因为街头食物更好! |
| 6. | In asia , especially in developing countries , some street food and eateries hygiene standards are a little dubious 在亚洲尤其是发展中的国家,一些街食和简餐店的卫生标准令人堪虑。 |
| 7. | Lengthy meal preparation by the home - based womenfolk of the house is replaced by women and men working in sedentary jobs , and relying heavily on street food which is cheap and plentiful all over asia . go to 家中妇女们准备饮食的冗长繁琐过程已被有着固定工作的职业男女所取代,而在亚洲,便宜且多种的街食已成为人们生活不可或缺的一部分。 |
| 8. | For example , walk along any street in asia and you would be bombarded by billboards , restaurants and street food sellers offering everything from fast - food to snacks and desserts that tempt even the most strong - willed 例如说,在亚洲沿任一条街道行走,你会被迎面而来的食物广告牌餐馆和小贩从快餐到点心的选择而淹没,甚至连最有克制力的人也受不了这些诱惑。 |
| 9. | Eating out is very much an asian phenomenon , with street food sellers called hawkers in some countries selling everything from local burgers to traditional noodle - based fare forming an essential part of the asian food landscape ; in addition to stand - alone restaurants offering cuisines from all over the world 一些国家称之叫卖在供应各国饮食的餐厅之外形成一个特殊的亚洲街景国际性的快餐连锁店也变得更流行同时也为忙碌的人们供应一个更快速且较卫生的选择。 |